Our 2nd outdoor rehearsal will be at the Pit Area of the racetrack at Placerville Speedway at the fairgrounds. We begin at 6:00 pm sharp until done. Dancers can be checked out after their last dance.
Outdoor Rehearsal Details:
Dancers will need to wear appropriate athletic/play clothes and tennis shoes, no open toe shoes.
Always pack a neat snack in your dance bag along with bottled water.
Do not bring friends or extra siblings to rehearsal. We only have 1 single porta-potty for our dancers and volunteers, we need to keep it available for our dancers, teachers and volunteers.
All dancers can be checked out after their last dance.
Rehearsal Logistics: During rehearsals each class will have a station with a poster showing your child's name and a place for you to add your cell phone number and sign them in and out.
Dancers need to STAY AT THEIR STATION. Please remind them of this! Our volunteers do their best, but the extra reinforcement is always helpful.
DO NOT take your child without signing out and saying goodbye to the parent in charge. This is important - We take safety very seriously and want to make sure each child is accounted for.
Please make sure your child has cleaned up after themselves, and do not leave a mess for others to pick up.
If you are not volunteering for the rehearsal you will be dropping your dancer and leaving. The only adults allowed in the rehearsal areas have name badges and are volunteers.
If you are volunteering you can find your name badge on the station's poster.
Regular classes are not held on rehearsal days.